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James Hurley James Hurley


One fan describes him as a blend of “Sting, Santana, and Harry Connick, Jr.” Another simply said; "Sting meets the Beatles"...However one tries to describe it, James' exposure to different countries, cultures, and his own natural inclinations have made James’ music a unique fusion of blues, jazz, rock, and pop that crosses musical boundaries.

After years of performing in bands, the elegant simplicity of one voice - one guitar was so attractive that in late 2003, James decided to focus on his career as a solo singer/songwriter. His latest release – “The Sun And The Moon” – is the result. It's reminiscent of traditional Jazz and Blues yet has a different, contemporary flavor, it offers the organic simplicity, accessibility and vibrant immediacy of his solo acoustic performances and what has been called, “a voice that can melt your heart.”  This CD provides listeners with a genuine experience of James’ natural voice combined with a sparse production designed to enhance, rather than overwhelm the songs.

For James, “Performing live is where the magic is. There’s a thing that happens when you’re performing that reveals the commonalities of the human experience. At shows he’ll share songs from “The Sun And The Moon,” along with selections from his previous self-titled release. For him, the current tour is, “Something of a reawakening. It’s elemental. No band, no amps, no drums. Just one man armed only with his guitar and his voice. There’s something inherently musical in that formula.



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